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Our work highlights why investment in child care, preschool, and other early childhood programs matters no matter one’s age and for the growth and well-being of California.
Issue Brief
Higher Wages for Early Care and Education Workers Builds a Stronger System
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Fact Sheet
California Funding Trends for Early Care & Education Programs
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Fact Sheet
The Unmet Need for Child Care Remains Staggeringly High
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Invirtiendo en Familias: Expandiendo el Acceso al Cuidado Infantil en el Condado de Monterey
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Investing in Families: Expanding Child Care Access in Monterey County
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Fact Sheet
California’s Child Care Crisis: High Unmet Need and Regional Disparities
Child Care & Preschool
Get the Facts
More than 6 in 10 California children under the age of 12 live in families where all parents are working.
In California, two working parents earning low wages would each have to work 147 hours per week to avoid paying more than 7% of their income on the cost of child care for their infant in a licensed center.
Even prior to the pandemic, 60% of Californians lived in a child care desert with limited access to child care providers.
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