Displaying 1-12 of 55 results found
California’s Community Schools Initiative: Progress and Impact
In 2021, state leaders passed the California Community School Partnership Act, establishing the California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP). The program aims to address barriers to learning and development exacerbated by poverty and the COVID-19 pandemic. Through trauma-informed and integrated educational, health, and mental health services, community schools are designed to meet the diverse needs … ContinuedEducation -
Data Hit
Medi-Cal is a Key Support for K-12 Students from Multilingual Homes
Medi-Cal plays a critical role in supporting K-12 students from multilingual homes by ensuring access to affordable healthcare.Education -
Data Hit
California’s K-12 English Learners Disproportionately Experience Homelessness
Having a safe, stable place to live is crucial for student development and educational success. But, more than 245,000 of California’s public K-12 students experienced homelessness in 2022-23.Education -
Data Hit
CalFresh is a Key Support for K-12 Students from Multilingual Homes
Access to affordable food is essential for everyone, especially for school-aged children. The CalFresh program helps Californians put food on the table by providing monthly benefits for people with low incomes.Education -
Universal School Meals Help All California Children Thrive
California’s universal school meal program ensures all students have access to nutritious meals at school regardless of family income. This program combats childhood hunger, simplifies administration for schools, and has inspired similar initiatives in other states.Education -
What is Proposition 98 and How Does the State Budget Shortfall Affect It?
Despite California’s commitment to funding education through Prop. 98, increased child poverty and budget shortfalls pose substantial challenges.Ballot PropositionsEducation -
Fact Sheet
Bilingual Teacher Shortage Threatens Students’ Bilingual Opportunity
More than 2.3 million California TK-12 public school students bring a linguistic asset with them to school every day: living in homes where a language other than English is spoken. A majority of these students (1.2 million) demonstrate English proficiency during their school years. But, students’ home language skills are often neglected at school due … ContinuedEducation -
Supporting Students Requires Investments Beyond the Classroom
The diversity of California’s students is an invaluable asset that enables our communities to thrive. State leaders have a responsibility to ensure all students have the opportunity to learn and achieve their goals. Yet, many California students of color face persistent challenges. To address these challenges, Governor Newsom’s “Equity Multiplier” proposal would increase funding to … ContinuedEducation -
Guide to School Funding and the State Budget Process
Every year, California’s governor and Legislature adopt a state budget that provides a framework and funding for critical public services and systems — from child care and health care to housing and transportation to colleges and K-12 schools. But the state budget is about more than dollars and cents. The budget expresses our values as … ContinuedCalifornia BudgetEducation -
Data Hit
More Support Needed For California K-12 Students Experiencing Homelessness
Having a safe, stable place to live is crucial for student development and educational success. But more than 220,000 of California’s public K-12 students experienced homelessness in 2020-21. This includes children temporarily staying with other families due to economic hardship, and children living in motels, shelters, vehicles, public spaces, or substandard housing. Latinx, Black, American … ContinuedEducationHousing & Homelessness -
Data Hit
How to Increase Access to California’s Public Universities
California is home to the California State University (CSU) and the University of California (UC), which educate thousands of students every year and help them build strong futures for themselves and their communities. CSU and UC require that high school students complete certain courses, known as A-G courses, to be eligible for admission. However, California … ContinuedEducation -
Students Need Financial Support for Higher Education & Career Paths
All California students pursuing higher education and career pathways should have access to an affordable education and the ability to achieve economic security. And California offers many postsecondary institutions for students to pursue their goals, including colleges, universities, community colleges, and trade schools. Yet, high costs of higher education and career training programs, along with … ContinuedCOVID-19Education
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